Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Global and Local Winds in Tanzania

    In this blog post I will be talking about the Global and Local Winds in Tanzania. The latitude and Longitude of Tanzania is 6 degrees 00' S and 35 degrees 00' East. Since Tanzania is on the Continent of Africa it's part of the Southern Hemisphere. Out of the three atmospheric cell's Tanzania resides in Hadley Cell due to being located south east of the equator. The Wind Belt that Tanzania resides in is the Tropical Easterlies also known as Trade Winds. In Tanzania the prevailing wind directions vary depending on what month it is. For example during months of November to March the prevailing wind direction blows towards the North East and in the months of April to October the prevailing wind direction blows towards the South East. All in all The prevailing wind Directions of Tanzania are the NE and SE Trade Winds. Due to Tanzania being 6 degrees 00' S of the equator it is located near the Equatorial Low which is a low pressure belt. Also because Tanzania is 6 degrees 00'S of the Equator it is also located in a special area where the North and South trade winds meet called the Doldrums.
    Generally the type of weather Tanzania can experience Varies because of its Latitude and Longitude. Depending on the location in the country the type of climate one can expect can vary. For example in the coastal area of Tanzania a tropical climate is noticeable but it can get very hot and Humid. Being near Equatorial Low Tanzania experiences Hot Air and lots precipitation. This explains why Tanzania has its Dry and Wet months.
    Tanzania has only two mountains which are Mt. Kilimanjaro and Mt. Meru. Five type of breezes or winds associated with mountains are Mountain Breezes, Valley Breezes, Chinook, Katabanic, and Foehn Winds. Mt. Kilimanjaro experiences a winds called Serengeti Winds which carried moisture to the top helping replenish its glaciers. However due to the deforestation of Mt Kilimanjaro the possibility of Foehn can be seen in the future due to the trade staying hot. Tanzania's coastline is located near its formal capital, Dar es Salaam. Two breezes that are associated with coastlines are Land and Sea breezes. Tanzania experiences both Land and Sea breezes but only to due the daily wind changes and the variation of the seasons.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Typical Weather and Tourism in Tanzania

    In this blog post I will be covering the what Weather and Tourism is like in Tanzania. The first thing I will be covering is the Winter solstice in Tanzania. Since Tanzania is located in Africa which is in the southern hemisphere, the day the winter solstice starts  on June 21. While the Northern hemisphere has there summer the southern has its winter. During the month of June the Maximum Temperature is about 21 degrees Celsius/70 Fahrenheit. The minimum temperature in Tanzania is 9 degrees Celsius/48 degrees Fahrenheit. During the winter solstice in Tanzania the most likely precipitation that will occur is Rain which is a rare occurrence during this month. The only chance of seeing snow in Tanzania is if you were on one of the two mountains located there.
   The summer solstice for Tanzania begins on December 21. In contrast this is when countries located in the Northern hemisphere begins its winter solstice. During the month of December the Maximum temperature in Tanzania reaches 27 degrees Celsius/81 degrees Fahrenheit.  As for the minimum temperature during December its gets as low as 10 degrees Celsius/50 degrees Fahrenheit. During the month of December Tanzania experiences a period of short rains. These rains unpredictable and can vary depending on which part of Tanzania it is. During the summer solstice it the most likely precipitation that will occur is Rain which is fairly common during this time.
  In Tanzania the start of the spring equinox is during the month of September on the 23rd. During the spring equinox the maximum temperature in Tanzania reaches 24 degrees Celsius/ 75 degrees Fahrenheit. As for the minimum temperature it can reach as low as 8 degrees Celsius/46 degrees Fahrenheit. Just like the winter solstice it is during the period where Tanzania is most dry. The likelihood of seeing any type of precipitation is highly unlikely. If you were to see any form of precipitation during this time it would be rainfall.
   The start of the autumnal equinox or "fall equinox" begins in the month of March on the 20th. During the fall equinox the maximum temperatures of Tanzania reach to about 27 degrees Celsius/81 degrees Fahrenheit. Also during this time the temperatures can get as low as 12 degrees Celsius/54 degrees Fahrenheit. During the Fall Equinox Tanzania is in the period of where it has long rains. March is one of the months where it is most wet here. When it rains it will rain real hard. Due to the amount of heavy rain during this time, humidity will be at an all time high.
   If you were a tourist interested in visiting Tanzania the best time to go can be quite tricky. Although Tanzania has a nice Tropical climate the country can have have various regional climate differences. Depending on whether you enjoy rainfall or not also makes this choice a difficult decision to make. I personally like rainy weather but not too much of it. I personally would recommend going during the summer solstice and or fall equinox where plant and wild life is at its best. One of the first activities that I could recommend on the top of my head would be sightseeing. Living in Hawaii especially if you were born and raised here would be an incredible opportunity to see various plant and wild life that you don't see everyday. I'm pretty sure that one would have a better story to tell of the animals they saw in Africa than seeing the ones at the local zoo. Another activity I would recommend would be hot air ballooning to see the incredible view of the safari, but if you aren't a big fan of heights there is an option of Night drives at the national parks in Tanzania where you get to witness the behavior of wildlife at night that you don't get to see during the day. Below is what the safari would look like during the wet seasons from the perspective of being on a hot balloon :)

 During the summer solstice the wet season isn't too bad however if you were to visit during the fall equinox the the potential weather is basically heavy rainfall. This could make activities like deep sea diving and mountain climbing rather dangerous.
               "Come Visit Tanzania's Safari where Plant and Wildlife is breathtaking :)"

Friday, October 3, 2014

Temperature Controls in the City of Dodoma in Tanzania

 In  this post I  will be covering the Temperature Control for the Capital city of Tanzania. The capital city of my country is called Dodoma. Dodoma has a latitude if -6.1833333 and longitude of 35.75. In Dodoma the Warmest month of the year is in November with an average monthly temperature of 74F. Dodoma's coldest month of the year is in July with an average monthly temperature of 65F. Based on the information I've found the annual Average temperature of Dodoma is 74F. 
  One temperature control that has an impact on the city of Dodoma is Differential Heating of Land and Water. Due to the location of Dodoma on a map, It's in an area where hot spots occur. Warm         ocean currents that are moving to the poles warms the air around Africa where Dodoma is located.
One temperature control that does not have an impact on my city is Altitude. The reason why altitude is not a factor on the impact of temperature in Dodoma is because it doesn't have have a high elevation. 
     For Tanzania the future predictions of temperature can vary. This due to the regional differences of my country. For example there are certain areas where the height is high enough for the formation glaciers. As for Dodoma, agriculture has been thriving since it's the center of agricultural trade for Tanzania. Due to this not much temperature change can be seen in the future.