
A. Depending on the location in Tanzania, the climate varies. For example along the coast of Tanzania it has a relatively high humidity. The temperature along the coast is moderated by the sea breeze which ranges between 27 and 29 degrees Celsius. In central Tanzania its semi arid receiving less than about 500mm of rain annually however in the mountainous areas in the north east and south west it receives more than 2000mm of rain annually. There really isn't a uniform climate for Tanzania because regionally diverse.

B.  The capital city of Tanzania (Dodoma) hottest month is during November and the coldest on average is during the moth of July. Rainy seasons are during the months of January, February, March, August, and September, and the driest months are during May and June. September is the month where Dodoma is most wet and June is when it's most dry. A second city in Tanzania is Tabora. Tabora has its rainy seasons during the months of January, February, March , April, September and October. Just Dodoma it's driest month is also in June. When compared to Honolulu its wettest moth is seen in December and it's driest is seen in August. Also the hottest moth is during August and the coolest during January. Tanzania has high Seasonality and due the diverse regions it also varies.

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