
a) Population
i) What’s the population of the country?  Compare this to the population of the US.  (Hint: The
US population is 318,860,032 and counting (it gets higher every 8 seconds, but use this number for the
     Compared to the US population of 318,860,032 Tanzania's Population consist of 44,948,923 people. 

ii) Where do the people live in this country?  Rural areas?  Urban areas?  What are the
populations in the two cities you used for Question 2 b)?

       The capital city Dodoma is more of an Urban area but more of a mixture of Urban and Rural. Dodoma is the trade center for and Agricultural region. The city is connected to the large Tanzania by road, rail and air. The population of Dodoma as of 2012 is 410,956. The population of Tabora is as of 2012 is 226,999.

b) Agriculture‐

i) What types of agriculture do they have and what type of diet do they have?
     The type of agriculture that Dodoma has are Beans, seeds, corns grains, coffee, tea and Tobacco. Based on the agriculture that Dodoma has you can see what their diet consist of aside the Tobacco. 

c) Industry and Tourism

i) Are industry and tourism related to geography and climate?
    Because Tanzania is diverse tourism might be affected. For example because of the high humidity prolonged exposure and or physical activity increases the chances for fatigue. Especially for those who have heat disorders.

d) Cultural Activities

i) Are there any notable historical events that add to the climate/culture story?
     A fun fact about Tanzania is that it became a German colony in the year of 1884 and named Tanganyika. It wasn't until 1963 where Zanzibar achieved independence formed a union with Tanganyika under a new name what we now know today as Tanzania 

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