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A. Tanzania is connected to the countries of Mozambique, Kenya, Zambia, Burundi, Democratic              republic of the Congo, Malawi, Rwanda, and Uganda. Anocean Tanzania is located next to is the        Indian Ocean.

B. 11.7% of the U.S Continental Area.

C. Despite being Africa, One of the two mountains located in Tanzania called Kilimanjaro and the          other Mount Kenya, Kilimanjaro has glaciers. The coastlines of Tanzania consist of Plains.                  Tanzania also has a central Plateau and Highlands located in the North and South. The three                largest lakes on the continent border Tanzania. These lakes are Lake Victoria the second largest          freshwater lake located in the North, Lake Tanganyika known as the world's second deepest in the      west, and Lake Nyasa otherwise know as Lake Malawi located in the southwest.

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